Mk 7:36 – Message > Miracles

Mark 7:36 – “And Jesus charged them to tell no one. But the more he charged them, the more zealously they proclaimed it” (ESV, Spiritual warfare against Jesus is evident in this verse. The enemy was drowning out Jesus’ message by highlighting His miracles.

Contextually, this portion of Mark’s Gospel shows Jesus bringing His message of salvation to Gentile nations surrounding Galilee, the region where He began His ministry.

In Mark 7:31-35, Jesus heals a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment.

Jesus heals the man in a private setting. In verse 36, Jesus commands the witnesses of the miracle to “tell no one.” The witnesses did not obey His command. Why?

The answer begins in the opening chapter of Mark’s Gospel. Jesus began His ministry in the Jewish region of Galilee. Out of compassion, He heals and casts out demons to those He is preaching to (Mark 1:32-34).

The miracles He performs immediately make Him the most famous person in the region. Galileans and people from surrounding areas flock to be close to Him, all wanting to receive His healing or witness His miracles. In Mark 1:38, Jesus tells His disciples that He “came out” to preach the gospel message of salvation, not perform miracles.

Spiritual Warfare

Jesus’ miracles, performed out of compassion, were a problem. From the opening chapter of Mark, Jesus is shown as someone who cannot find rest from the crowds who flock to Him.

Times change, but people don’t. People then, just like people now, wanted immediate satisfaction over long-term security. They wanted to be physically healed or witness a miracle. They wanted to be part of the conversation about Jesus. What was less critical was their eternal salvation. Our spiritual enemy used the people’s desire for immediate gratification against Jesus.

The poverty cycles exists because of immediate gratification. We need immediate things such as eating, breathing, and socialization. Because of those immediate needs, our judgement on long-term solutions is often clouded. A person can only focus on long-term solutions when s/he knows immediate needs are taken care of.

Our spiritual enemy heightens the danger or desire for immediate needs to keep our focus off eternity. Jesus came to preach a message of eternal salvation. The people He preached to desired instant miracles. The message > the miracles; but our spiritual enemy doesn’t want you to focus on that.