Intensive Program Details

The Intensive Program provides the men of a single congregation with a unique experience that trains them to become the spiritual leaders God created so they can have victory over spiritual conflicts. The design of the Intensive Program encourages participants to form close bonds with other men in the church to increase learning and improve congregational unity. The Intensive Program contains three distinct experiences over a twelve-week period.

The first experience is a two-day Intensive Teaching at the congregation’s facilities, Thursday night to Saturday night. Intensive Teaching presents biblically-based truths concerning the spiritual warfare all men experience. The experience begins with placing men into cohorts, feeding them a chef-prepared dinner, and then evening teaching lessons. After the evening teaching, the men camp out in the church by cohort. On Friday morning, men eat breakfast with their cohort, attend morning teaching lessons, eat lunch with their cohort, attend afternoon lessons, eat dinner with their cohort, attend evening lessons, and camp out in the church for a second night. On Saturday, the men eat breakfast as a cohort, attend morning teaching lessons, eat lunch with their cohort, attend afternoon lessons, and eat dinner with their cohort, which concludes Intensive Teaching.

The second distinct experience, Discipleship Training, begins the week following Intensive Teaching. For twelve straight weeks, each cohort meets at the church during a time of their choosing to review lessons learned during Intensive Teaching. During each meeting, men take turns leading the other men in the cohort through a lesson on spiritual warfare. Discipleship Training participants are provided the documents they need to present the weekly topics (Warriors’ Resources). Discipleship Training encourages personal discipline, accountability, the application of truth, and training on how to lead Bible-based discussions, as well as how to support someone in a leadership position.

Upon completing the twelve-week Discipleship Training, all cohorts participate in a single Completion Ceremony held at the congregation’s church. The Completion Ceremony is a one-night event celebrating each man earning the title of Discipled Warrior. The ceremony begins with the men, their families and their guests eating a chef-prepared dinner. The dinner is followed by a ceremony where each man is presented with a Certificate of Completion signed by the men in his cohort.

To read some men’s responses about their experience, see Testimonials.

To see pictures of men experiencing Intensive Session, see Photographs.

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